J a n e t M c E w a n
Lang Byre Gallery Committee Response
Mon 13th June 2011, 12.05
Dear Janet,
I was asked to send you feed back on the Red Suit Show you held at the Lang Byre. Here are some typical comments that should sum it all up;
- It united the viewers. Fun and hilarious in some pictures
- The participants all got involved with good ideas.
- Couldn’t at first find the Red Suit in some pictures……but it was there.
- All pictures submitted were exhibited. Everyone was looking for their entry and it was there!
- The show was well exhibited on the display shelves.
- Put on a red suit and the people just took off. The colour was right, maybe that had something to do with it. Firing the imagination.
- Some pictures were spooky which some people did not like, but in general it made people laugh, a very successful show.
- The group pictures were very pleasing, and if done again, more thought would go into them. They had super fun making them.
- A good community “let’s get together” show.
- Some people did not like the holey suits on the wall.
- People talked to complete strangers while going round smiling, which made a change.
It was indeed a very well received and exciting show,
Best wishes,
(on behalf of the Lang Byre Committee)

Image credits from top:
Aimee Holtom
Banchory Young at Heart Group
Bachory CLD Staff
Belinda Rose

Tuesday, 14 June 2011, 22:54
Dear Janet
In addition to the feedback from Woodend Barn about Whos Who, I would like to add that I heard it engaging people who have never been into the Lang Byre Gallery before. They didnt think that "art was for them". The show engaged people in a similar way to Waste Not Want Not. Both shows stimulated conversations about issues that concern us all, but we dont usually talk about them in public spaces. Eight years ago with Waste Not Want Not, Banchory began publicly to discuss our conspicuous consumerism and waste of resources. Now for me in Whos Who we are looking again at the human race. Its finite path, our subtle connections with each other and our environment, and for me the way we can often stand like "sore thumbs" in the landscape.
I love to spot connections with events happening simultaneously at Woodend Barn. In Smallpetitkleine's dance piece "The Falling Man" the final choreography is the dancer falling through a rectangular shaft of light onto the floor. It was as if the choreographer had seen Carla Angus' photograph: The Red Suited Man/Woman falling through a picture frame onto the grass.
( Fiona Hope, Co Founder & Director of Woodend Barn Arts Centre.)