J a n e t M c E w a n
We Are Not Petrified
Nov /Dec 2013
Ann Haycock and Janet McEwan were awarded some funding support through the Three Points of Contact (TPofC) residency to develop a collaboration project sparked during the TPofC residency in January 2013 in the Exchange Gallery in Penzance. Their conversation straddled Transitions 10, at the nearby Newlyn Gallery, where they were offered one of the week long residency slots during a month devoted to giving artists the opportunity to experiment in a public gallery setting.
This phase of their dialogue is titled ‘WE ARE NOT PETRIFIED’.
Alyson Haylett, co-collaborator of WE ARE PETRIFIED, which had its first public presentation at Heston Museum in August 2013 again joined Janet & Ann, this time as a guest, along with Cornwall based dancer Helen Musser. The 5th 'collaborator' was the late Ithell Colquhoune, present through one of her works "Potentate 11" which was discovered in and generously loaned from Penlee Gallery and hung in the space for week. Colqhoune was aformer member of Newlyn Society of Artists: a surrealist painter, occultist and author of "The LIving Stones".
During the week the artists were also joined by movement specialist Tina Cocket and musicians and dancers from the Penzance Guise dancers and the Turkey and Rhubarb Guise Band.