J a n e t M c E w a n
To The Source
A meditation on Scotland - my motherland, memory and time........the footage for this short film was captured in April 2017 in Strathdon, Aberdeenshire, while staying with my friend artist Helen Denerley and her wonderful dog Molly at her home, Clashnettie Arts Centre. The animal sculptures featured in the film were made by Helen.
When a snowstorm put a stop to the work I planned to do outside on a stone sculpture commission, and travel became impossible, I pulled out my super 8 camera.
The exposed film was hand processed in a bucket at home back in Cornwall, where I have been based for the last 10 years after moving from Aberdeenshire.
I then invited musician Scott Thomson, originally from Aberdeen, but also now living in Cornwall, to compose a sound track for the film.
Molly, the dogstar, died peacefully at home with her best friend Helen Denerley, on 26th January 2018.
Music: Scott Thomson
Recording engineer: Steve Slimm